
I'm having a FreeBSD server and Ubuntu Linux clients. The server stores home
directories of all users. These home directories are exported via NFS. When any
users logs in to the Ubuntu Linux clients, his home directory gets automounted
from the server.

Now, the problem is that when any user working on Mozilla Firefox crashes (or
shutdown uncleanly), the ".nfsxxxxx" file doesn't get cleaned, and remains in
the home directories. So next when he starts Mozilla Firefox, an error window
pops up saying "Another instance of Firefox is running". So at present, I've to
manually remove the ".nfsxxxx" file from server. I'm running NFSv3.

Is there any solution for this ?

"silly rename" files

Ashish Shukla
आशीष शुक्ला alias "Wah Java !!"

All that looks C00L is not necessarily validable.

                               -- Ashish Shukla "Wah Java !!"

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