On 14/11/06, Prof. Prabhat Ranjan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please see the following mail of mine. Till now I have not found a solution
> for getting ZTE Datacard of Reliance on Linux. 2 more users have posted
> similar mail on this mailing list:
> http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/linux-pcmcia/2006-November/004114.html

Please take the following with pinch of salt but this is more or less
how I have got many connections working. And sorry for jumbled reply.
I do hope to make a wiki at some site soon.

The link given by you above provides the clue that card is detected
and is being assigned to ttyS3

SO modules or drivers are not the issue but you need to concentrate on
the init string. My suggestion would be:
Step 1
In one terminal as sudo run "tail -f /var/log/messages"
In the second terminal first become root by "sudo su -" and then do
"echo "atz" > /dev/ttyS3" and see if any messages are shown in
terminal 1(there should be none)? If the command prompt is returned
without error on terminal 2 then command is getting piped to the card
if not then wrong module/driver is getting attached.
If the latter then you need to work out which module is getting loaded
by using lsmod and then use module blacklist to make sure this does
not get loadded and manually load the correct modules needed. If the
former (more likely as the card is getting /dev/ttyS3) proceed to next
Step 2
If the card is running on a win machine near you try to see if you can
come up with modem init string from there. Or google for such strings.
Or try "at+crm=1;+cso=33" Or any other string that you are able to
google out.
When the correct string is run you will see no errors in the first
terminal where "tail -f /var/log/messages" is running when a
connection is initiated by any ppp connection programs.

IMHO nothing is going to go wrong on modem or computer with improper
string....you may have to take out the card and reboot but thats just
about it.

Sudev Barar

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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