Hi Sandip,

On 1/11/07, Sandip Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ILUGD already has this information for all its members (provided they keep it
> updated) on the linux-delhi.org member information.

I didn't know about that. But, is it up-to-date?

> Now that the data is in
> database,

No idea on the database.

> wouldn't it be better to just give it a better interface for searching
> with concerns for privacy addressed? Of course, we might have to add more 
> fields
> in member area to provide for locality etc.

If you feel that it will be easier to implement and use, then sure, by
all means.

We only want information to be available, that can be edited and
maintained easily. Whether it is wiki or a database interface, doesn't
really matter.



Shakthi Kannan

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Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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