On 3/4/07, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 04-Mar-07, at 4:07 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> > you are needlessly complicating things. Just make a wiki for heavens
> > sake. See how the mumbai guys did it in making their brochure:
> >
> > http://db.glug-bom.org/wiki/index.php/Linux_Brochure

Thanks for your valuable inputs. The site referred by you was having
some technical issues at this instant. However, your idea is well

Let me restate from my earlier post:
"The intention is to be able to make content submission as easy as
possible and also have the input resources in a standard format so as
to be able to make standard and print-ready PDFs without much effort."

Wiki is definetly good for collaborative authoring. There are
definetly good resources elsewhere as well which have evolved out of a
wiki. Could you educate me how to "sip out" an existing wiki document
out on the net to a standard HTML / ODF, so that we may include it in
our ezine with the least trouble?? Or for that matter anyone else
wanting to pluck-out an article from say wikipedia neatly to a
Standard HTML / ODF?

I would like to add here that there may be existing articles with many
an authors who would like to share it with us, and in that case we
prefer ODF.

Anand Shankar

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