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Subject: Minutes of the ILUG-Delhi meeting on Sun., 29th April
Date: Tuesday 01 May 2007 17:38
From: Gora Mohanty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello everyone,

The last ILUG-Delhi meeting held at the JNU Bio-Informatics Centre on
Sun., 29th April. The meeting was pretty well attended, with about 22
people present. Here are the minutes:

1. E-zine: Atul Jha presented the latest version of the E-zine on the
site http://ezine.linux-delhi.org. There is currently only one article
available online, though apparently there are some eight original
articles available with Atul. Many people expressed concern with the
fact that little visible progress was being made on the e-zine,
despite the fact that it has now been discussed at several ILUG-Delhi
meetings. The latest round of problems was due to unfamiliarity with
Drupal, and shortcomings in it. A list of action items were drawn up
(please see at the bottom), and it was agreed that there would be more
active e-zine discussions on this list.

2. http://code.indlinux.net: Raj Mathur presented the facilities
available on this server, provided by the NRCF, AU-KBC, primarily for
IndLinux work. The same server currently also hosts several IndLinux
sites (http://indlinux.org, http://indlinux.net), and a site for
NewsRack (http://newsrack.in). http://code.indlinux.net itself has a
GForge installation that allows the hosting of open- source
projects. The projects should ideally have some relation to Indian
language computing, but projects with a significant impact on India,
or with a strong participation by developers in India. However, we are
*not* considering large-scale hosting along the lines of

Gora Mohanty then presented an outline of many of the projects that
are on the site. Most of them are in an alpha/pre-alpha state, though
several also have useful code on them right now.  Project
administrators, developers, documentation writers, and web designers
are invited to participate by signing up on the site.

3. Indian language URIs: Gaurav Mishra presented an interesting talk
on the possibility of Indian language URI's, e.g.,
http://www.रफ़्तार.com. The typed Unicode URI is
converted on the fly into a "Punycode" ASCII representation, which is
the site that is actually registered. This scheme is far from
complete, e.g., it is not yet possible to have Indian-language
equivalents for the three letter, top-level domains, e.g., .com, and
there are phishing risks opened up (did you notice that there was a
nukta on the pha in the above URI). The talk, along with earlier
presentations, will soon be made available online.

4. Election for ILUG-D office: Next month will see the election of a
new panel of ILUG-D office-bearers. Detailed rules for the elections,
along with a list of the positions, and their associated
responsibilities, will be posted soon. Any ILUG-Delhi member in good
standing (remember that you will need to re-register at the election
meeting) is eligible to contest as many posts as they wish, and can
also choose to nominate another member. Peejay (peejay (at) hotpop
(dot) com) has kindly consented to be the election officer, so please
feel free to send him nominations now. Nominations will close *two*
days before the elections, so that Peejay can vet the list, and it can
be publicised. I also strongly encourage anyone planning on running to
declare this publicly on the list, prepare a manifesto, and plan to
speak at the first meeting in May (please see below).

5. Forthcoming meetings: We propose to have two meetings in the month
of May, with tentative dates being the 2nd, and 4th Sundays, i.e., May
12th, and 26th. The first meeting will allow prospective candidates to
present their manifestos, as well as including planning for Freed
[sic!] 2007. The second will be the annual general body meeting
(AGBM), including the elections. It is also possible to fit in
technical talks in the meetings, but please send me submissions now,
instead of at the last minute.

6. Freed 2007 (Freedom in Technology and Software): That is right, we
have changed our name! The idea is to aim at a larger population than
just Delhi, and is in keeping with our plans to make this really a
community event, rather than one restricted to ILUG-D.  These ideas,
the name, and the tagline came out of several intensive sessions of
brainstorming with the help of Rajesh Lalwani, a public relations
consultant who is working with us. Here are the highlights of the
plans for Freed 2007, with details to come up soon on the website:

   (a) We would like every FOSS enthusiast in the country to help out
   in the event. So, besides circling the dates of 28th, and 29th
   September, 2007, on your calendars, please put your hands up.  You
   can sign up on the mailing list for event planning by sending mail
   to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the single word
   Subscribe in the subject line.  [The list names may change to
   reflect the new event identity, but don't worry -- if that happens
   you'll be transparently migrated to the new list]

   (b) With Rajesh's help, we plan to have a much more active
   publicity campaign, targeting groups that would potentially be
   interested in the event, including academia, government bodies, and
   non-governmental organisations.

   (c) We will also be carrying on a more intensive media campaign,
   with at least one formal press conference a couple of days before
   the meeting.

   (d) Official spokespeople for the event are: Sudev Barar, Kishore
   Bhargava, and Prof. Andrew Lynn.

7. Action items:

   (a) E-zine: Atul Jha, and Anand Shankar, with help from other
   people as needed, will do the following over the next three weeks,
   i.e., a week before the AGBM:

         o Involve other people, particularly Vivek Khurana, in
         solving technical problems with Drupal, and the site.

         o Prepare a roadmap for the next three bi-monthly issues,
         which will include a workflow that will allow the
         identification of possible contributors to running the
         e-zine, and a timeline for the publication of each issue.

         o Communicate more actively over this list, so that this can
         be a shared, sustainable effort.

   (b) Freed site: Kishore Bhargava. To be up this week. We need to
   finalise on a conference management application, and send out
   announcements by the end of this week.



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Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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