Karanbir Singh wrote:
> Yashpal Nagar wrote:
>> I don't know how is the redhat 
>> support in India but in UK it is not so.
> I dont agree :) We work with Redhat people onsite ( in the UK ) and even on 
> remote setups - and i can assure you, they are some of the best techies to 
> have 
> on your side when things break :)
I don't know what how does it relevent of comparing a RHEL techies 
onsite and a RHEL support via call. As far as i know you are entitled to 
get telephonic support from Redhat once you have bought a license,  
getting a  support onsite seems to be a special arrangement with Redhat. 
I am sorry if i could't understand its meaning.
> with the RHEL trial version and the subscription version ( specially during 
> the  
> trial period ). And I've never had more of an issue than just transferring 
> the 
> rhn entitlements over to new machines or new versions when they come out.
It is more than one month now, IIRC redhat provided  evaluation copy of 
RHEL which we used and provided our existining RHN account to get them 
under a single logon.
> That is also quite an interesting statement - SuSe has , by far, had the best 
> support setup inhouse for years and years, I remember talking to people back 
> in 
> 2000 - 2001 and getting kernel patches out from them overnight to handle 
> specific issues. While this has *significantly* gone down in recent years, 
> its 
> not really that bad, to be completely written off. And a lot of that talent 
> has 
> moved into VAR's and associated business post Novel, should you want, I am 
> happy 
> to put you in touch with some of them.
> <shameless plug> perhaps you need someone to come in and manage the setup for 
> you ? if you let me know where you are based and what setup you have, I'd be 
> happy to trot along with a quote </plug>
I believe it is a perception which get developed when you work with 
someone, I must admit i have been too much aggresive putting comments on 
SUSE support, I should have taken some more time to understand how 
they(novell network) work/responds. It was resolved painlessly.  As far 
as the setups are concerned, No, We are not looking someone to manage 
them rather looking someone to give their setups ;)
> You will actually find that Gora's initial response was in your real interest 
> - 
> mailing lists are not a real substitute for a support contract - even when 
> you 
> might sometimes get a faster response here ( hey, IRC will beat mailing lists 
> hands down on speed of response ) - but when you have a supported platform, 
> your 
> first call should always be to the people supporting it. Not only is it their 
> responsibility, they will ( or should ) have a process-to-resolution 
> recommendation / execution plan. Depending on the situation, not adhering to 
> that p-2-r plan will invalidate your support even.
> btw, if you really are having so many issues with your support providers and 
> having to live off the handholding and spoonfeeding in the lists, why bother 
> paying redhat / suse / mandriva at all ? and go the CentOS route - You can 
> bring 
> in local talent and feed the open source ecosystem a lot better.

All is ok, what you are saying, there are only two concerns.

1. How does the people behave when they see someone's post in the 
mailing list, for which the answer might be very obvious or the 
respondent feels, why this silly question is being asked. They takes no 
time to comment on the question being asked or arrogantly say something 
to kill the discussion. Is't this negligence? I need not to supply you a 
example here, you see the comments from Gora's email.

2. Second and more important one is there are all types of people in the 
list, Gurus, Intermediate and Novice. Its good to have Gurus on the list 
but what could happen to list if they start behaving arrogant? I am not 
talking about this particular thread, i have experienced few others of 
similar type and thought to raise it this time. e.g what happens if 
someone ask what is a hosts file? I can bet there would be many in the 
list who would start bashing on him/her. Is't this kind of behaviour 
dangerous for community especially for community like GNU/Linux, whose 
base is on Freedom!

I don't know how do you feel about this, but i could't resist myself to 
respond. I felt somewhere some thinking is wrong for the list.


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