On Thu, 2007-06-28 at 22:34 +0530, Linux Lingam wrote:

> kenneth, i've already taken my own ass by mentioning how shamelessly i rely
> on google for my total internet experience. please read my earlier posting
> carefully. so you can save your energy. :-)
> hehehee
> :-)
> niyam

Niyam, do you want GOoGle to give you the Gmail codes and technical
architecture so that you will develop better email solution from it and
server the Humanity. Google gives you the best what it can give you. It
gives you best search Engine for world, and it gives best environment to
developers so that they can build something best for you. 
In the book "The Google Story" or somewhere on internet, the Brin or
Page said that the competitors are always trying to make google
miserable, but what the Google's more that 2000 engineers in search
engine project doing, they are doing the pure engineering and research.
Google spends a lot (not only its money, but also dev resources) to make
Opensource better. ANd not  opensource is the only topic in compute and
And for rest of the thing, just think what would have happened if Google
have charged you just a penny for its service. We would have been in
less better computer world.

Please search for the youTube video "The Future of technology : By Eric
Schmidt" national venture capital Association, 2006 ANNUAL MEETING.
April 26, 2006.
and watch what they say to people for better service and how they are
giving out money to make world better.


Ravi S. Kr
Homepage : http://ra21vi.googlepages.com
Blog    : http://ra21vi.blogspot.com

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