You didn't get what exactly I wanted to say.
ophs, no its not you, Its me who cannot make the thing clear what
actually I want to say.
Anyway, let me out of this discussion. Sorry for what I said.

On Fri, 2007-06-29 at 21:53 +0530, Ashish Shukla आशीष शुक्ल wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ravi Shanker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Thu, 2007-06-28 at 22:34 +0530, Linux Lingam wrote:
> >
> >> kenneth, i've already taken my own ass by mentioning how shamelessly i rely
> >> on google for my total internet experience. please read my earlier posting
> >> carefully. so you can save your energy. :-)
> >> hehehee
> >>
> >> :-)
> >> niyam
> >
> > Niyam, do you want GOoGle to give you the Gmail codes and technical
> > architecture so that you will develop better email solution from it and
> > server the Humanity. Google gives you the best what it can give you. It
> > gives you best search Engine for world, and it gives best environment to
> > developers so that they can build something best for you.
> > In the book "The Google Story" or somewhere on internet, the Brin or
> > Page said that the competitors are always trying to make google
> > miserable, but what the Google's more that 2000 engineers in search
> > engine project doing, they are doing the pure engineering and research.
> Google technologies, would have been more better, if they've released
> them under GPL kind of license like Affero GPL[1]. By doing that, their
> technologies will be reviewed by community. And license like Affero
> GPL, will also provide protection to Google, from their technologies
> becoming closed sourced.
> > Google spends a lot (not only its money, but also dev resources) to make
> > Opensource better. ANd not  opensource is the only topic in compute and
> > IT.
> It seems, you mean that Microsoft is also doing good by closing their
> source code. And BtW, Microsoft also has their research division
> Microsoft Research, doing some cool research, and spending lots of
> money on R&D stuff. And open source is not some topic, it is a philosphy.
> > And for rest of the thing, just think what would have happened if Google
> > have charged you just a penny for its service. We would have been in
> > less better computer world.
> Free Software is not about money, it is about freedom to do whatever
> you wanted to do (including modifying) with software, except making it
> closed source. So, if Google charges money for their service, it is
> fine, they're running clusters of servers, and they need someway to
> pay for the cost of running clusters.
> >
> > Please search for the youTube video "The Future of technology : By Eric
> > Schmidt" national venture capital Association, 2006 ANNUAL MEETING.
> > April 26, 2006.
> > and watch what they say to people for better service and how they are
> > giving out money to make world better.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > --
> > ------------------------------------
> > Ravi S. Kr
> > Homepage :
> > Blog    :
> > ------------------------------------
> [1]
> Thanks
> Ashish Shukla
> - - --
> Ashish Shukla "Wah Java !!"
> आशीष शुक्ल
> weblog:
> webpages:
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>  `-'(. .)`-'  | >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation. |
>      \_/      | >>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?                     |
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