On 6/29/07, Ravi Shanker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am in DU, and i dont know such things. Even in my comp. sc lab at DDU
> college, DU, there is just one machine having Ubuntu 6.10 that i
> installed for print server, and telnet client so students can connect to
> them for practise.  Other few machines are having Redhat 9.0. Thats all.
> Why people saying there is Ubuntu in DU. Whereis the Link to such and
> who started it?
> Please let me know.

I have reasons to "believe" that the magic figure of "5000" is in the
making, and is not a reality YET!!. Even if it moves ahead as thought,
it is likely to be dual-boot.

I believe FOSS gained significant acceptance worldwide due to
patronage and a strategic corporate policy of such majors as IBM,
Google, Yahoo, HP, Intel etc. For things to happen in India, we need
more than one such major Corporate and/or Academic body adopting FOSS,
and in a way encouraging / cajoling others to ponder for adoption.

Let us debate which are these institutions where this could be done.
We need more than active evangelism to do this. We should find what
are those little barriers which are stopping people to move and as a
community try to provide answes to these questions.

FOSS in India needs very much an example of "Big Name" Corporate
Acceptance. It is the adoption at Desktop which is being talked here.
Many Corporates already deploy FOSS in their Server-end applications,
where most users, "whose opinions matter", are not aware of the
advantages brought by FOSS in their own company.

Adoption is easier in academic institutions, as training /
self-education is very much part of the environment. FOSS/Linux being
adopted in IITs/NITs etc does'nt make much news, as it gels with the
myth "Techie OS" for Techie people. It would make more impact if it
were to be adopted by IIMs or any other leading Management Schools.

We must try to get some leading Management Professors to evangelise on
this supported by LUGs for Proof-of-Concept implementations in willing
Corporates. FOSS Strategies for IT eco-systems in Corporates needs to
be actively talked by the Consultants such as Accenture, KPMG, PwC
etc. We need other such institutions like Gartner, TCS and others to
release papers advocating FOSS in public domain. We need evangelism at
leading System Integrators to tell us how do they intend to provide SI
support on FOSS and what are there problems.

Anand Shankar

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