Hi Folks...

Firstly a big thanks to Gaurav Mishra for a job well done-- of writing down
the minutes of meeting and sending to all--- thanxxx dude... 'preciate it!!!

Also, about the OpenMoko discussion-- really appreciate what Deepank (NSIT
engg student) have done-- he reformatted a Windows mobile phone-- and put
Linux on it-- what's more, he even re-formatted the MicroSD card-- and put
ext2fs on it-- interesting coz most mobile phones by default format to FAT
Even the gsm services run as a gsm-daemon-- which Deepank showed how to turn
on or off like any other daemon... just too cool... I wish I had videotaped

Cool also of Atul Chitnis, Kishore Bhargava, Mrs.Valsa Williams(intel), Dr
Gora, Advocate (forget the name), Niyam Bhushan, Ajay, Kapil (Saphire) and
the youngsters from various engg colleges who showed up and made the
discussion a lively and interesting experience-- and helped a person like
myself connect with the tech buzz that gets todays youth moving....

Also, it was great to spend a sunday talking tech and dreaming dreams of
linux domination in the beautifully scenic and green environment of
JNU-Delhi-- and also partially relived fun of watching juniors get ragged!!!

Apart from Windows-Mobile phone running linux, I got to see and play also
with a samsung mobile internet device running Vista which Valsa had brought-
and which she plans to format and install linux on...

Thanks folks... and also, my thanks again to all the folks whose names I
couldnt mention but who helped make it a lively and learning oriented


On 8/24/07, Linux Lingam < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> >
> >   (Viii) Niyam and Raj raised points of flash being evil and make
> > content non-accessible to the people, Which Included "Forget Einstein
> > Children will not even become Frankenstein"
> >[snip]
> ah no! flash is "not evil", just not a formal, open standard, does not
> allow searchable tagging, reusable content, and lots of other
> technical issues and issues that result from it being a non-OASIS or
> other standard. too much to list here, but you get the picture.
> Einstein <> Frankenstein was in a different context all together.
> how the approach to education and learning is becoming more obsessed
> with 'container' rather than 'content.' how the seductive idea that IF
> as a parent or teacher you could
> provide a full broadband connection on a multimedia-savvy hi-end pc;
> or a generation ago, a multimedia-CDROM encyclopedia;
> before that VHS tapes on education +learning,
> and tv broadcasts,
> before that radio-for-literacy-and-education;
> before that the printed-edition of the entire volume of
> the  encyclopaedia,
> and so on...
> somehow you can give 'instant gratification literacy and education in a
> box'.
> now it flash-based education, and web-based learning.
> anyhows, please hold your discussions until we all meet for our
> special track on education and learning, as valsa and others proposed.
> :-)
> niyam
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