On 8/23/07, Gaurav Mishra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>   Apologies for posting minutes by delay. :)
> The ILUG-Delhi meeting for the month of  August  held at
> the JNU Bio-Informatics Centre at 2pm on Sun., 19/8. Total 35 people
> attended , You can see the attendance at
> http://wiki.linux-delhi.org/cgi-bin/twiki/view/ILUGD/MeetingAttendance
> The following items were discussed in Meeting:
> 1. (i) Deepank Gupta a Engineering student from NSIT presented a talk
> on Openmoko and showcased many interesting features of Neo1973 Phone..
> He is also a Soc participant working on openmoko .
>     (ii) Very Interesting Political Discussion went on , discussing
> how Openmoko is the at the same position where linux was when linus
> started the kernel, And possibly of implementation of Openmoko at
> various places including villages .
>      (iii) Some Technical Issues also came up , Which triggered the
> discussion of Porting Java on Openmoko Debating negative and positive
> effects for that, For which Nalin Savara Volunteered :)
>    (Iv) Some of Wanted Addons requested was A Better Visual Interface
> (Atul ) , Cluster Packages (Niyam) , Amarok (Kishore), Indic languages
> (Someone) , So Everyone is requested to take out their 10 minutes and
> add their wish to the wish list at
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Wish_List
>   (v) Deepank Demonstrated some Very Cool Hand On Demos Which Included
> Calculator, A Command Line Interface to Interface with Dialer Dameon,
> He Showed how easy is to access your memory card and share the data
> between PC and Phone.
>   (vi) ILUGD invite developers / Students to join deepank and work for
> openmoko. ILUGD may provide assistance to concrete groups or plans
> 2. (i) Ajay Kumar of the fame of classpart.org  Representing Himself ,
> talked about some critical political deficiencies that exists and
> wanted LUG to Join the force in rectifying them.
>     (ii) Ajay Outlined some particular places where our society is
> facing problems
>                         --> Education (Content Creation)
>                         --> Community Radio
>                         --> Telecenter
>                         --> Hardware not easily compaitable to Linux
>    (iii) Valsa talked about the Projects she was involved with the
> Government and suggested the possibililty of showcasing Kerala
> Government work
>    (IV) Atul Made a point of lack of defined Proposals from Companies
> and governing bodies.
>    (V) A very Interesting solution came in Proposing industry and
> Academia bodies (like JNU and Intel ) could talk with Gvernment and in
> Implementation could take Help from LUG people.
>   (VI) Valsa demanded a meeting devoted to a meeting or panel
> discussion for content creation (Watch out for a Notice on Meeting for
> content creation)
> (Vii) Ajay showcased some screenshots which he claims can help
> filling content creation problem. Nalin Suggested a Cool
> **Properiatery** Software called Robodemo for creating some more
>   (Viii) Niyam and Raj raised points of flash being evil and make
> content non-accessible to the people, Which Included "Forget Einstein
> Children will not even become Frankenstein"
> (IX)Sunil Suggested LUGS going to schol and training Teachers rather
> than installing linux systems and Maintaining them

+1....RKGIT already made a proposal some time ago....but we got no positive
response from the LUG people. We are ready and would really appreciate if
they come and train teachers (maybe just a couple of weekends would be
enough) at RKGIT, Ghaziabad

(X) Now Here are Some YHV (You have been Volunteered )
>       Andrew and Ajay --> Wiki page for dscussion of content creation
>       Raj --> put a Hardware hall of shame .
> (Xi) ILUGD invites more discussion on the Problems described by Ajay,
> Looking forward for Heating Flames .. Ouch
> Regards,
> --
> See you at 'Freed.in - freedom in technology & software' - India's
> leading free and open source community event.
> 28- 29 September 2007, New Delhi. Entry free, on first come basis.
> Register at http://Freed.in
> Linux User #348873
> ILUGD General Secretary, GZLUG  Moderator
> RKGIT Alumni(Guiding Light)
> Software Engineer , UnitedVillages
> http://gauravmishra.info/blog
> "When i can run , i will run , When i can walk , i will walk, When i can
> crawl , i will crawl. But i will not stop moving forward"
> _______________________________________________
> ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
> http://frodo.hserus.net/mailman/listinfo/ilugd
> Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
> Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi
> http://www.mail-archive.com/ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org/

""I m a gr8 believer in luck and I find the harder I try the more I have of

Abhinav Sahai
R.KG.I.T Ghaziabad
3rd Yr CSE
Linux User # 438077
Moderator Ghaziabad LUG
http://flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/?saved=1
ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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