On 30/08/2007, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 29-Aug-07, at 10:53 PM, Ishant Varshney wrote:
> > Q. )  i have linux installed  on my system along with winxp
> > but i don't have a lan card so my internet connection is through
> > USB port
> does your modem have an ethernet port? if so, it would be worth it to
> buy an ethernet card and connect through that - only a few hundred
> rupees. I have never been able to tune a linux box to connect through
> USB to bsnl

Only a few usb modems work under linux.
http://eciadsl.flashtux.org/ is the best site i have found. They have
list of modem which have reported working/non-working. best of luck,
else KG's advise is best.
Sudev Barar

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