On Wed, 2007-08-29 at 09:23 -0800, Ishant Varshney wrote:
> Q. )  i have linux installed  on my system along with winxp
> but i don't have a lan card so my internet connection is through USB
> port
> the problem is that i am able to connect internet through winxp but
> can't do
> it through linux
> so whats the procedure to install modem or is there any other way to
> connect
> to net on linux
> (i have dataone connection)

You are quite unlikely to get any kind of a response, as you give
people almost nothing to try and help you with. Please do not take
it otherwise, but it might help to read Eric Raymond's write-up on
this issue, at http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html .

At the minimum, you will need to describe what Linux distribution
you used, what kind of modem you have (manufacturer, model no.,
etc.), and what have you tried, and what the error messages, if
any were. Incidentally, searching Google is quite likely to lead
you to helpful material.


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