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Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> On 03-Oct-07, at 1:44 PM, Ajay Kumar wrote:
>> Type "about:buildconfig" without the quotes in firefox's address box.
>> You will see something like the following, and would need to check for
>> the --enable-pango flag.
> wonderful - so after 3 years or so, firefox guys are uninterested in  
> the second largest country in the world. How come Konqueror manages it?

Now I am getting a bit confused here. Ajay wrote about checking for ie
whether the --enable-pango flag exists or not. Not checking it ie
enabling it. I have no doubts that Konqueror is a fine browser capable
of handling Indic display/rendering and printing. However, that is
precisely not the point. In the last 2 cases where I have read (either
on mailing list or IRC) about Firefox b0rking on Indic, screenshots are
in place to show that given a particular base OS and a particular
Firefox release, Indic rendering does work (and these days as does Indic
printing). What could be well served if out of all this "Konqueror is
best, Firefox drags a**" mail a framework of some sort arises which is
relevant to test cases that can prove whether the particular website
when viewed using Firefox provides a functionally complete viewing
experience. That might turn out to be more than helpful given that the
Firefox roadmap is perhaps aimed at a Cairo integration too (from
existing Pango).

If it is a distribution specific issue, you are practised enough to file
a distribution bug along side filing one upstream. Additionally, there
is a Mozilla Project Day at foss.in/2007 - do raise these issues there
ie if you still want to see Firefox as a browser comparable to if not
better than Konqueror.

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