On 07-Oct-07, at 10:47 AM, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay wrote:

> If it is a distribution specific issue, you are practised enough to  
> file
> a distribution bug along side filing one upstream. Additionally, there
> is a Mozilla Project Day at foss.in/2007 - do raise these issues there
> ie if you still want to see Firefox as a browser comparable to if not
> better than Konqueror.

it is not distro specific - I have seen the same problem in firefox  
on mandriva2007, Ubuntu 6.10, and on a Mac. On all these three  
platforms konq (on linux) and safari (on mac) render perfectly. And  
so does *every* single other application on these platforms. I have  
no doubt that FF can render properly - I remember some years back  
spending about 2 weeks getting the latest pango on my desktop - which  
meant upgrading practically everything and then compiling firefox  
with pango support and getting it to rend the fonts. I find in etch,  
fc6 and above and in ubuntu 7.x, it renders ok by default.  
Interesting to see if doze version does the rendering by default.  
Anyway, now I automatically use konq for indic rendering, so I have  
no problem.


Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS

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