On 27/10/2007, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Saturday 27 October 2007 13:41, Akshay Lamba wrote:
> > [snip]
> > Hi Raj, what do the numbers at
> > http://gmane.org/output-rate.php?group=gmane.user-groups.linux.india.
> >help indicate? Isn't posting rate = number of posts in that date? The
> > above numbers and the ones in the link don't match at all.
> We're discussing two different things here.  The ILUGD figures are at:
> http://gmane.org/output-rate.php?group=gmane.user%2dgroups.linux.delhi
> Anyone up to graphing the figures over the past couple of years just for
> the heck of it?

ILUGD rule #1 about volunteering.... ;-)
Sudev Barar

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