On 12-Nov-07, at 12:32 PM, Sumit Kumar wrote:

>                                               If any one have some
> queries or will have some sharing info that could not be share in
> ilugd it's only because of, like you people. I don't know why you
> people taking more interest to pulling the leg instead try to help.

1. I answered your question.

> And for your kind information you are not my teacher or guardian or my
> ideal to decide that whether i will be successful or not. so I will be
> advice you don't try to be smart and keep your opinion limit at your
> own.

2. If you do not want to take my advice, please continue to use SMS  
abbreviations in your mails to this and other Open Source lists and  
see what happens.


Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS

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