dear shamail,

thanks for such a comprehensive and fantastic response. read through
your blog as well.

> $sdptool browse <my_ph>
> # shows the list of services available on the remote device. Here note down 
> the channel number of the services you want to use. On my phone 2 is for Dial 
> up networking and 12 is for obex object exchange.

i don't have anything specifically called 'obex object exchange' but i
do have obex file transfer, which is what i assume you mean. this is
at channel 11.

> pair the device.. the easiest way is to start
> # bluetooth-applet &
> and initiate pairing from the phone. Set the PC as authorized(just a personal 
> opinion) in the phone. This way you dont need to use bluez-pin for pairing, 
> neither you need to edit /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf

damn! this is the part that just does not work. same problem. i start
the pairing from the phone, type in the PIN, and the pc rejects it.

> /* The reason of the halting of transfer with kbluetooth may be that it is 
> trying to send the file using object push, and not object exchange (rem they 
> are both available at different channels, so use it correctly,  object push 
> doesn't support transfer directly in memory card, file will go to the phones 
> inbox. However no harm to phone will get caused if you will use the wrong 
> channel. This is the reason of most of your problems.

well am using object push rather than object exchange, as the latter
demands i have a paired device. you are right, with object push i get
the files in my inbox, which i have managed to install without errors.
i still don't understand why it halts at a random point with object
push. it had worked earlier.

anyways, i did find a quick-fix solution for the moment, but i still
want the proper bluetooth-enabled full pc<>mobile experience.
my quick-fix solution: the Nokia E61i ships with a usb cable. i
connect using the data-transfer mode, so on my ubuntu desktop the
phone appears as a hard-disk for the microSD card.

a) transferred all *.jar, *.sis, and other apps and data files to
personal folders on the card.
b) unmount from the pc, and the phone goes back online.
c) using the standard 'File Manager' program under Nokia's symbian
S60, just browse to the folder in the microSD, and installed the apps
and stored the data files in the relevant places.

how do i backup my contacts, sync with the pc, send and receive sms
etc., is still eluding me on my desktop gnulinux.

by the way, found a few interesting GPL and LGPL apps, ironically
written in FlashLite, for the mobile platform. those interested may
hunt for them at

niyam bhushan

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