On Sunday 06 Jan 2008, Kazim Zaidi wrote:
> Hello,
> Do we've RoR developers on list? I want to know about web hosts that
> provide RoR hosting
> services. I've found some hosts but I heard they grow slow quickly.
> Given that RoR is such a productive framework, yet many times slower
> than php
> frameworks, is it a good choice for web development?
> I started with PHP and MVC for my web application development, and
> ended up with a lot of Rails-like organization.
> More on
> http://tuxplayground.blogspot.com/2008/01/these-holidays-i-was-busy-d
> So, for my next web application, I find RoR very much suitable.
> Your views?

Also check out Perl with Catalyst, DBIx::Class and Template Toolkit.  
I'm using it for a couple of projects currently and am more thasn happy 
with the functionality and the paradigms.

Speed is great once you move your production app into mod_perl.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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