On Jan 10, 2008 10:08 AM, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bought a webcam yesterday, thought I'd share the experience...
> Unfortunately the webcams
> that seem to work well with Linux (at least according to Google) seem
> to be pretty high priced -- Rs 4000+.

Thats right  - This has been putting me off for buying a webcam for
years!! But these devices are supporting USB Video Class, [UVC] which
supposedly do not bring up issues like this

> BTW, note that all webcams reporting USB ID 0ac8:303b aren't the same.
> Some will work, some may not, so be sure to test your cam before you
> buy for use with Linux.
Who will let u test before buy? Its quite shocking "all webcams
reporting USB ID 0ac8:303b aren't the same.
Some will work, some may not" I believed it the other way and still
can't understand why?

Another thing to investigate: I was thinking of using a SONY Handycam
as a webcam, which says so prominently in their brochure that it
supports USB Video Streaming - actually does not do, just shows up as
USB Storage device. I wonder if any of their proprietary drivers does
some magic, but I certainly expect that if these Handycams are UVC
compliant they can be used as Webcams. Could'nt confirm this - as I
do'nt have access to a SONY Handycam. Can some one confirm this??

The test for finding a device is UVC supported or not is as under:

lsusb -d {Device_Id eg 046d:08cb} -v | grep "14 Video"

If your device is a UVC device, you should see a number of lines that
look like this:

bFunctionClass         14 Video
bInterfaceClass        14 Video
bInterfaceClass        14 Video
bInterfaceClass        14 Video

In this case the Linux UVC driver should recognize your camera when
you plug it in.

If there are no such lines, your device is not a UVC device.

Unfortunately my OLYMPUS digital camera which can capture video and
has a USB port, does'nt display any of these lines. I believe one has
to have this if he needs to do a USB Video Streaming.

I want to be corrected if I am wrong, else I might be forced to buy
the costlier webcam.


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