> PS: RMS gave a talk in Cochin yesterday on "Free Software in Ethics
> and Practice". I will try to get hold of a copy of the video and post
> on youtube or get somebody to post it.

suggestion+opinion: stay away from youtube for the above type of
video, if you wish to promote foss-based valuesystems.
read the EULA of youtube to know more.

recommendation: go for blip.tv.
lemme know what you did.

> Be the change you wish to see in the world
>                                           M. K. Gandhi

sigh! wrong accreditation. actually, Gandhi was quoting Gautam Buddha,
who said this first as part of his vision. what we have are current
english translations from the original pal via several languages
through the ages, but the essential idea is the same. buddha said more
on the lines of 'you must be the change you wish to see in the world.'

niyam bhushan

niyam bhushan

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