Jasbir Khehra wrote:
> On 1/8/08, Karanbir Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Not sure how that is even relevant here. Ubuntu is incapable of doing a
>> proper custom install. Have you tried setting up lvm / mdraid on an
>> ubuntu install in the recent past ?
> Doing that since Ubuntu 5.04 i.e. April-2005. No problems at all and
> 'd-i' is damn neat installer and is capable of handling lvm/mdraid
> installs.

Last I heard, ubuntu stopped using the debian installer completely since 
the only official build was the one from the livecd. Which does not do 
lvm/md unless you drop to the shell and do things manually.

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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