I was not able to access netbanking on ABN Amro Bank's website using Firefox on 
When I wrote to them, this is the reply I got:-
Dear Mr. Jagannath, 

This is with reference to your email dated
April 20, 2008. At the outset we would like to thank you for the time taken
and effort made by you in sharing your concerns with us. 

We wish to inform you that currently you
will not be able to access our Net banking service through Mozilla and
Linux browser. However to access our Net banking services we recommend
Internet explorer browser version to be 5.5 and 6 and we would also request
you to kindly check if your Internet Explorer browser is configured for
JAVA applet. 

Are they ideal candidates for inclusion into the Hall Of Shame? Also how do we 
ensure that they comply with other browsers?

 With Warm Regards, 
linux user no: 450769
blog: outbackwifi.blogspot.com 
profile: www.linkedin.com/in/shivjags

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