On 01-May-08, at 12:00 AM, Anand Shankar wrote:

> Do some of us realise that these institutions may not be delivering
> what we expect, not because that they do not want to do it, but
> because, perhaps that they have no clue how to do it.

it is quite simple: for css, js and html, IE follows a different  
'standard' from the accepted standards. All M$ tools are designed to  
follow this standard, and hence, by default products of these tools  
may not be compatible with other browsers. So it is not evil on the  
part of the managers and 'programmers' - sheer ignorance. The problem  
is that it is not easy to make something compatible with both IE and  
other browsers. It is expensive - so unless the expense is worth it,  
they will not do it. Note that it is easier to write a standards  
compliant page and then tweak for IE than to the reverse. And it  
requires a good knowledge of css, js and html - which eliminates 95%  
of all web programmers. A long, uphill task.


Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS

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