Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Friday 02 May 2008, bipin sartape wrote:
> > hello friends
> >               my organisational telephone directory
> > data is stored in mysql db.(approx 6000 records) i
> > want to:
> > 1)print the records(deptt wise, name wise )
> In SQL: select * from address order by deptt, name;
> > 2)the sequence of page printing should not be
> > sequential(for binding purpose)
> Hmm, you want the pages printed out in random order?
> Regards,

Definitely an LOL moment ;-)

I think he meant one-sided printing - something like that anyway.

Bipin, your spec is unclear. Also, you need to explain the details of how
you're thinking of doing it before asking for help - that way we can at
least figure out where in your thinking you may be going wrong. Your post
is really too vague overall at present to get you a decent answer.

Something to help you along (every budding geek should read this):



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