hello ,
       ty pj for the link. 
1) my organisational telephonic data (approx 6000
records) is stored in mysql DB

2) my goal is to print the directory in a booklet form

3) the printed directory will contain index pages,
deptt wise phone nos along with designations,
alphabetical list along with residential
address,important phone nos and so forth.

4) i want to write a script which will extract the
records in the above mentioned forma.

5) the printing should not one sided. i have to print
multiple pages in one single sheet of paper along with
proper formatting (precisely 4 nos on A-4 size)

         --------------       --------------
         |            |       |            | 
         |            |       |            |  
         |  3      24 |       | 23      4  |
         |xxxxxxxxxxxx|       |xxxxxxxxxxxx|
         |            |       |            |  
         |  5      26 |       | 25      5  | 
         |            |       |            |
        ---------------      ---------------
          (front side)          (reverse side)
           A4 page                 A4 page
               nos indicate page nos to be printed

such type of printing is required so that the binder
will directly cut along xxx and bind it.

--- PJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > On Friday 02 May 2008, bipin sartape wrote:
> > > hello friends
> > >               my organisational telephone
> directory
> > > data is stored in mysql db.(approx 6000 records)
> i
> > > want to:
> > > 1)print the records(deptt wise, name wise )
> > 
> > In SQL: select * from address order by deptt,
> name;
> > 
> > > 2)the sequence of page printing should not be
> > > sequential(for binding purpose)
> > 
> > Hmm, you want the pages printed out in random
> order?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> Definitely an LOL moment ;-)
> I think he meant one-sided printing - something like
> that anyway.
> Bipin, your spec is unclear. Also, you need to
> explain the details of how
> you're thinking of doing it before asking for help -
> that way we can at
> least figure out where in your thinking you may be
> going wrong. Your post
> is really too vague overall at present to get you a
> decent answer.
> Something to help you along (every budding geek
> should read this):
> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
> PJ
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