On Sat, 2008-05-03 at 19:13 -0700, bipin sartape wrote:
> 5) the printing should not one sided. i have to print
> multiple pages in one single sheet of paper along with
> proper formatting (precisely 4 nos on A-4 size)
>          --------------       --------------
>          |            |       |            | 
>          |            |       |            |  
>          |  3      24 |       | 23      4  |
>          |xxxxxxxxxxxx|       |xxxxxxxxxxxx|
>          |            |       |            |  
>          |  5      26 |       | 25      5  | 
>          |            |       |            |
>         ---------------      ---------------
>           (front side)          (reverse side)
>            A4 page                 A4 page
>                nos indicate page nos to be printed

Open office has a "brochure" mode which does what you have listed
above...(Tools->Options->(Writer)->Print) You can select the number of
pages per side - in your case 4 - from File->Print->Page Setup.



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