Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Also considering setting up a USB stick which would do all this and have 
> a web front-end for management of links, IP addresses, load balancing 
> configuration, etc.  Is such a thing available?

A live usb distro ? That's a kewl idea.

How about a live ebox ? The current ebox version works on ubuntu hardy
(which I can't say I like as a server platform). But it's probably too
complicated for a Mom and Pop shop. (anyway, details at:

Alternatively: build your own live cd with stripped down ebox? (yeah,
I know - takes time). Nah, probably not the way to go.

My solution for this at the moment is a bunch of tweaks on top of debian
(etch) with lighttpd as the front end. I've been vaguely thinking of
cleaning this up and pushing this as a multiple ISP uplink solution. The cgis
that give the minimal, simple gui front end all run in bash, just for kicks.
I am surprised there's nothing that simple out there yet. (Maybe I'll beat
it into shape for a live usb distro).

Maybe simply duplicate linux boxes, with one as a mothballed plugin standby
for the live box. That's probably really simple and would probably suit Ma
and Pa best. Plus no single point of failure.

The hardware really doesn't require much power (say 200 MHz), so get two
duplicate boxes from one of the Nehru Place 2nd hand shops and run the
show on those for a total of under 7k INR. Maybe even set it up to boot
from read only usb (though usb boot is unlikely to be available on
machines below 500MHz)

just another braindump


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