Nice to Read ..

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From: tux tux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 8:55 PM
Subject: [lug-indore] Re: Pledge to download FF3 on Release Day

Hi Prabhat Sir,

This revolution has to start from Colleges (moreover from Schools).We need
to conduct some kinds of awareness programs....Seminars....Knowledge Sharing
Sessions....And the list must go on to make people aware about the Open
Even the condition is very pathetic in Corporate world.
I would like to quote one instance:

I am working in HCL (for Dixons & Teradyne).We have an application called
CIPAF running on a Linux server set up by a open source guy in 2000.Since
the nno one knew how to operate that server.Few months back, somehow the
server crashed. No one knew anything about the linux so even the senior
technical heads were not able to get the server up again.
Then is came to me and it took about 3 months for me to get that server up
and back into production.just because no one had any information about how
it operates.That was so bad.
The open source application CIPAF is amazing one.Here also i found the
creator of the application was lost somewhere.

Everyone here knows the strength of Linux and open source but lots of
 trained people
are required to show the world strength of Linux and to guide others to
learn and use Linux.In our office many people have started using Linux like
Ubuntu,Fedora ,Redhat and Others.

Even in Cisco The New IP Telephony Products (called Cisco Call Manager ) are
all linux based.When i installed them i was able to see that it was
running some old version of redhat and other open source linux.Only the name
was replaced with Cisco.I told this to our managers and they all were amused
to see that.
We need to train young people to practice Linux.We are all ready to join
hand togather for this.


Prachi Saxena
Network Enginner
HCL Technologies

------------ Best Regards ------------------
Narendra Sisodiya MTech, IIT Delhi
mob : 98931-19531
skype : narendra_sisodiya
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