On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've yet to see a RH employee (and we do have a few on this list as far
> as I know) marketing any of RH's products or services here.  Please
> note there's a difference between bringing out a strength of your
> company in a specific, relevant context and just going and willy-nilly
> plugging your product where there is no context and no relevance.

1. Yes I agree to the willy-nilly (or whatever) part (though I didn't plug
any product). I am ready to justify it and that is why I replied to this
thread today. And if 'willy-nilly'ed then so did Mr. Gora. There's just no
difference between mine and his post (if you observe carefully, with an
unbiased eye).

2. I did not even talk about any "Sun product" here. OpenSolaris is not a
sun "product". It's an opensource community driven distro built from solaris
sources pushed out in the open years ago. Just like Fedora.

I am not representing 'my company' at all in any of these mails and I am not
talking about any of their 'products'. Prove me wrong.
Angad Singh

"The best way to predict future is to invent it"
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