+++ Puneet Lakhina [20/06/08 17:34 +0530]:
>Shorter learning curve argument doesnt hold, I dont see why for an average
>person it would be easier to learn PHP instead JSP/Servlets. or why it would
>be difficult to set up tomcat over apache with mod php.

Then you need to get a fresh look at it.

Any standard linux installation nowadays (which installs apache by
default) has out of the box PHP support, and all person needs to do
after picking up his/her first PHP book is to open a text editor, code,
save, and refresh his browser :). And provided he doesn't make stupid
newbie security mistakes, his application is ready for the web and can
handle considerable amount of real traffic.

If you can say the same for Tomcat for example(don't get me started on
my quite outdated views of jboss here), I will admit that I really should
update myself and will withdraw my claims. :)

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya

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