Hello Friends...

Can anyone help me by giving me a set of Linux CD....I don't know very much
but I want something secure on which I can put some antivirus and a folder
on the system can be accessed by other Windows users....via Samba.

Will it be OK to install UBUNTU.....it there inbuilt PHP & MYSQL with it.
Integration is easy or tough....

Please advice.

I have to run a program which is made in PHP + MySQL on this Linux
machine...on windows I was using XAMPP and I want to use it's Linux version.

Please advice.

Ajay Bramhe.

New Delhi, INDIA

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Nalin Savara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Raj
> I had sent you a mail asking you about the source code of this astro
> which you had offered to share.
> It was a uni cast mail sent a few hours after you posted this link-
> and i have not received any reply or acknowledgement to that.
> Can you check your inbox and reply that ?
> Thanks and regards ,
> Nalin
> -posted from gmail mobile - from a mobile that supports no other mail
> client.
> given that server horse power is much cheaper these days , why dont
> you people do a server side top posting avoid thing ?
> Further more as Kenneth once said 'who says top posting is not allowed'
> On 8/12/08, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 12 Aug 2008, Anand Shankar wrote:
> >> 1. I could not get the Vedic Chart output despite choosing it as the
> >> option.
> >
> > Actually it is a Vedic chart, just in a different form.  If you're
> > looking for the 12 squares chart that astrologers in India draw, I'm
> > afraid I haven't found any way to get astrolog to generate that but it
> > should be easy enough to generate from this graphic.  Again, I know
> > zilch about astrology so I could be totally wrong :)
> >
> >> 2. The chart shows Time Zone as -5:30 GMT, while default for
> >> India is +5.30 while filling the form. I havent checked whether this
> >> affects calculations, or is just a bug.
> >
> > I believe it's just how astrolog displays the TZ, but I could be
> > wrong... like I said, if someone who knows astrology investigates the
> > results we can be more sure.
> >
> > And finally, (all) please understand that this is just a toy.  Sure, if
> > you find it accurate enough you can use it for whatever purpose you
> > want (you can use Lego bricks to prototype the Metro design too ;) but
> > I wouldn't recommend using it for anything serious until it's been
> > validated again and again.  Like, if you decide your (or your son's or
> > daughter's) marriage based on calculations made using the astrology
> > page, and the marriage turns out bad, I'm not responsible, OK? :)
> >
> > And thanks for the interest and feedback!
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > -- Raju
> > --
> > Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
> >        GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
> > PsyTrance & Chill: http://schizoid.in/   ||   It is the mind that moves
> >
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Best Regards

Ajay Bramhe
"9818215303" <---

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"Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly
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