On 8/21/08, Niyaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Friend,
>  I did a mistake :(
>  I log into ubuntu using the primary user id 'niyaz' (created during
>  installation).
>  I was trying virtualbox and on the first run it told me 'niyaz' is not
>  in vboxusers group.
>  well, that revelation striked me quite hardly, i guess.
>  And i fired:
>    $ sudo usermod -G vboxusers niyaz
>  and it transmigrated me to vboxusers.
>  I lost the sudo power.
>  In an attempt to rehabilitate 'niyaz'
>  I booted the system with the Ubuntu live disk,
>  added 'niyaz ALL=(ALL) ALL' to /etc/sudoers
>  but it left some challenges for me:
>  - 'niyaz' can't unlock users-admin (gui tools to manage users) although
>  users can be added/deleted with useradd/userdel. it exits with error
>  number 6868.
>  - similarly 'niyaz' can't unlock services-admin (gui tool to manage
>  services)
>  - synaptic package is working fine ('niyaz' is getting authenticated by
>  it)
>  - 'niyaz' doesn't have permission to access other auto mounted
>  partitions.
>  please suggest me what else i need to do.

Now boot again from live cd and add yourself to admin group.
And the command should have been
sudo usermod -a -G vboxuser niyaz

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