Well, the questions are manifold here...
"Free" Software or Software Freedom Day does not (and should not)
restrict the propagation of the idea of "freedom" on any platform, be
it windows or linux. Freedom inside jail is better than no freedom at

I think the question put forth by Linux Lingam is not contradicting to
the above but to the participation of a unit like "ILUG-D" in an event
where the platform of choice is opposite to the group's very premise,
this is where a "free software" group and a "linux" group are
different in their priniciples.

Now, instead of straightaway "taking a call", my question is as to the
"why" behind the particular pic in question. Is it because Linux was
not able to fit the bill technically for the activity involved? Or is
it just because there wasn't any specific reason to use linux because
it was a "free software" event and not a "linux" event?

In the second case as well, it should have been better to use linux,
because (first statement withstanding) it's always better to have full
freedom rather than freedom inside jail, but I can give the benefit of
doubt here to the organizers (Technical reasons or otherwise). As far
as ILUG-D's ideological stand on this is concerned, I'd be interested
to hear about it from other members...

I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, U can't prove anything - Bart Simpson

2008/9/22 Praveen A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008/9/21 Jeba Singh Emmanuel | जेबा सिंह ईम्मेनुयेल <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> setting a rule or policy to not use something, even in principle:  is
>> freedom? Shouldn't the users be deciding for themself? isn't that the whole
>> idea?
> of whose? Can you give some references?
> Cheers
> Praveen
> --
> പ്രവീണ്‍ അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്‍
> <GPLv2> I know my rights; I want my phone call!
> <DRM> What use is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?
> (as seen on /.)
> Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
> http://fci.wikia.com/wiki/Anti-DRM-Campaign
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  • ... Linux Lingam
    • ... Praveen A
    • ... Jeba Singh Emmanuel | जेबा सिंह ईम्म ेनुयेल
      • ... Praveen A
        • ... shantanu goel
          • ... Raj Mathur
            • ... gajendra khanna
              • ... Jeba Singh Emmanuel | जेबा सिंह ईम्म ेनुयेल
            • ... shantanu goel
    • ... Gora Mohanty
      • ... narendra sisodiya
        • ... Gora Mohanty
          • ... narendra sisodiya
      • ... Sandip Bhattacharya
        • ... Swapnil Bhartiya

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