On Monday 22 Sep 2008, shantanu goel wrote:
> [snip]
> Now, instead of straightaway "taking a call", my question is as to
> the "why" behind the particular pic in question. Is it because Linux
> was not able to fit the bill technically for the activity involved?
> Or is it just because there wasn't any specific reason to use linux
> because it was a "free software" event and not a "linux" event?

Isn't it the call of the user whether s/he want to use Winduhs or Linux?  
In the specific case of this photograph, the user is Ravikant who dual 
boots between the two.  The activity taking place when that photo was 
snapped had nothing to do (directly) with the Software Freedom Day -- 
Ravikant happened to be attending the event, and I believe it's his 
choice what OS he wants to use.

Of course, I don't agree with this choice of OS, and I'll mock people 
who willingly enter into slavery while being aware of the consequences 
of their choices (as Ravikant is).  However from mild ribbing to 
banning a participant from booting Winduhs in a Free Software event is 
a long step and one that I, personally, would not want to take.


-- Raju
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