2008/9/23 narendra sisodiya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Yes, I was focusing that , we should have content creation and tutorials
> making in native local language for the English GUI software (like
> OpenOffice , firefox) at first priority. Language is not a barrier for them,
> barrier is " no body is their for teaching them"

Can you understand a chinese software if we tell you once where are
the menus in a video tutorial ?  No

Get out of your brain and try thinking like a guy for whom "A" , "B" ,
"C", "D" are strange characters like for you a chinese character

>> > And
 I saw, one desktop manager in hindi,. For working with hidni Deskhop,
>> I
>> > need to take a hindi to english dictionary . Those Hindi words were very
>> > difficult for me and nobody use in common language ..
>> > what will you say now, having such localized software is useful??
>>                But that is your problem. Not the person who knows the
>> native language well. As I said, some one somewhere deep in one corner
>> of India, appreciates the localised software. And I gave ample
>> examples, look around you carefully, you might find more people doing
>> the same.

Exactly, if you were not able to work on a hindi platform that`s your
shortcoming not the software`s

> I not 100 % opposing localization, It is targetted to large audience. But it
> is not that much important task for which we have to make a openoffice clone
> in every language and make a docuentation in each local language, I told we
> have limited effort and time.
> we*  = anyone who promote foss culture

Wow, Do you know that with localization we are trying to reach 72% of
Indian Population ?

And Do you have any idea how much money govt put per year in Localization ?

Thanks and Regards
Gaurav Mishra

Linux User #348873
"When i can run , i will run , When i can walk , i will walk, When i can
crawl , i will crawl. But i will not stop moving forward"

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