
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 12:01 AM, narendra sisodiya
>> Narendra,
>> I think that you just concluded something (on similar lines) to we
>> should stop teaching maths, physics, chemistry etc to anyone in
>> non-english medium schools because anyways most of the content
>> available for these subjects is not available in their local
>> language..
> EXACTLY -- 100% upto the point and very practical thought.

        How and why is that practical? Do you really mean that?

        We have very ancient texts and proven knowledge on Maths,
Science, Medicine, Astronomy, Literature all written in Sanskrit,
Pali, and other languages.  Those were not practical? Last I checked,
we are still using Zero, and Ayurveda among other things. Those were
taught in "native" language during those times, btw. And we didn't
have english medium schools then and for a long time until then.
Probably not until sometime in/and around 1700s or even later.


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