Sudhanwa wrote:
> Are we talking about something like this?

That looks interesting. I had earlier heard of Marathi BASIC
However, Hindawi is not really just one programming language. We define it as 
complete in a very programming language sense; i.e. it is completely 
bootstrappable, or can be written in Hindawi set of languages itself. Hindawi 
provides assembly, C, lex and yacc. This combination can be used to implement 
any other programming language. Ref
There are many other factors already mentioned in my mail earlier today "Mother 
tongue based programming languages", please also read that, if you have already 
not done so. For instance one interesting component of Hindawi is a FOSS 
replacement of the GIST card, that is completely software based and does not 
use graphics mode to simulate text mode for Indic scripts.
> IIRC, one of my friend Somesh ( had written
> complete C programming (I think using turbo C interface) way back in
> 2001. ...
Again this is very interesting. Please do provide us with more information 
about this. The Sakaal article is not very detailed. I am interested in knowing 
what were the results like what all was localised - comments only, or also 
keywords; could variable names be used in Marathi; if yes then were there any 
restrictions; what about namespace pollution; could the Marathi C be translated 
back into traditional C (I assume yes); what was the level of compatibility 
with exisiting set of libraries? One very important question, that you have 
yourself mentioned is what is its current state?
It will be great if you can convey my questions to Somesh. I believe there will 
be many others on this list interested in these answers, else I would have 
preferred to take it offline.

Abhishek Choudhary MSc MA MA BBA 
Chartered IT Professional(UK) MBCS(UK) MIET(UK) MIEEE SrMCSI 
Pune, INDIA 

Affiliations: AAAI, ACM, BCS, CogSci, CSI, IEEE (CS/ComSoc/NNS/RAS/SMCS/VTS), 

"From Assembly to Lisp in your mother tongue"

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