On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 10:58 PM, Swapnil Bhartiya <

> > I think programming languages are too far away from natural languages
> > and generally have little to do with the English language. The
> > question of coding in specific native languages makes sense only in
> > the context of literate programming. Otherwise programming languages
> > have their own syntax and semantics.
> I am not a developer, just a writer.
But I feel just like English and
> Hindi, any programming language is just another language. The primary
> goal of any language is communication, and it evolves with time. So,
> instead of localization of programming language (what difference does
> it make to use some local replacement of {, <>, $ etc?). Localization
> matters when it comes to UI. A farmer who wants to use a MID to know
> about price cares if he can see names in his local language, a guy
> sitting in small village who only knows Hindi is either way not going
> to write a programme. So, I believe, localization is OK in terms of
> content,

In term of content and in term of their turorial,

> but not in terms of programming language, yes if we can come
> out with a new language then its all together different ball game, but
> then that would become another programming language for the
> programming world, just like Python and Perl, and not a *local*
> language.
Yes, You are getting the point. BigBang of programming has occured many year
before,, We cannot revert or translated whole Internet and Technology to all
50+ local languages of India, So the only Practical and Fast solution is to
go with currect software language and with English.
[ we Indian will try to develop next technology in Hindi or better in
Sanskrit, so we can force rest of the world to follow us ]

> I hope I have not said anything beyond my understanding. If I did,
> then as I said earlier -- I am a writer and not a programmer :-)
> Swapnil
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