On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 12:31 AM, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday-ji 01 Oct-ji 2008, Swapnil-ji Bhartiya-ji wrote:
> > [snip]
> > Previous mail of Raj, Manoj ji, Karan Ji,  then Sandeep
> I find it grossly unfair that neither Sandip nor I rate a ``ji'',
> specially considering that I'm older that the other three (Manoj, KB
> and Sandip) put together.  I'll even settle for ``Raj bhaiyya'' if you
> find the idea of calling me ``ji'' nauseating (as I do).  Sandip can be
> ``-da''.
> On a more serious note, is this thread generating any fresh insights?  I
> admit it's been fascinating reading and I've learned quite a bit from
> it, but it seems to be stagnating a bit now.  Of course, that's just my
> opinion, but if everyone agrees it could be time to move on.
> Regards,
> -- Raju
> --

Raj Bhaiyya, I quite agree with you on this one :P If others also agree we
can conclude this thread. Actually I did put a Ji in front of you and
Sandeep 'da' but saved as a draft and in the second drafting Ji got dropped.
You know 'G' forces are always ahard to handle. and 6 G is too much :D

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