> Did you googled the "Keywords" before writing them down here :P
> "launchpad open source" , Brings these results
> http://arstechnica.com/journals/linux.ars/2008/07/23/mark-shuttleworth-launchpad-to-be-open-source-in-12-months
> http://www.ubuntu.com/news/storm-python-orm-open-sourced
> --
> Thanks and Regards
> Gaurav Mishra

Mark has no intention of open sourcing Launchpad, until he has some revenue
generation model in place to pay his developers. He did give hint to open
source Launchpad, but the time frame was vague -- by end of 2009 -- which
means nothing concrete. An open Launchpad can help better than the closed
one. This is a bit ironic for a company which is thriving on free software
to keep the main component closed. Yes Storm was opened, but much is to be
done. Previous mail of Raj, Manoj ji, Karan Ji,  then Sandeep have made the
picture clear that in the long term upstreaming is in favour of everyone,
otherwise, 2 years from now Ubuntu could be in mess. But I hope, as Matt
promised Greg, that they would focus more on upstream and hope Mark will
find a way to generate money so that he can open source Launchpad. Please
forgive me if my interpretations are incorrect. After all I am only on the
learning curve.

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