>           I don't think so. Atleast IBM / Lenevo don't care what you
> are running. I had bought a T42 back in 2006. Its hdd failed few
> months back, recently called them about that problem. Also about the
> screen and combi-drive. I had removed Windows XP 4 days after I had
> bought the laptop. The dude came, put all new parts and left. Didn't
> care what was installed or what I wanted to install . He used some
> hitachi hdd testing software to test the hdd, at the first error
> block, he stopped the test and changed the hdd :).
>          Cheers!
> Pradeepto

Thanks Pradeepto :-)
By the way while checking the Dell site I came across this stupid error

"The current configuration tool is currently not available for your
operating system/browser combination."


Don't they support full support for Linux users :P
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