Linux Lingam wrote:
everyone focusses on 'cheap' or 'low-cost' linux laptops, especially netbooks.
what i'm looking for is the opposite:
the top-most, high-end laptop in the market, that ships with gnu/linux

plenty of people sell the sager/clevo variety preloaded with Linux, depending on where you are based you might even find someone local who has something in stock.

about 3 years back, I had a dual cpu ( not dual core, but real dual cpu )- with 4 GB of ram and 2 sata hdd's in a raid-0 laptop. Considering battery life was about 30 min, and weight was about 5.2Kg's, I moved to a dualcore laptop with not that much brawn, but enough to get most things done.

The other place you can look at are the gaming laptop rigs, typically in the 2.4 to 2.8L price bracket. 8GB ram with dedicated 1GB display ram etc are known to exist

But then again, 'high-end' is debatable. Do you mean lots of resources ( as I might assume ) - or do you mean something with a diamond eddged'd gold ribbed thing that come with a brand name ?

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