A thought has been troubling me since lunch time today. I was just trying to 
work out some equations:
Approx bid price for Satyam: Rs 1,700 crore; or Rs 1,70,000 lakhs
Approx employee strength of Satyam: 40,000
(Ref links [1] and [2] for the above data. If they are not correct adjust the 
values as per correct values)
What if the employee form a "collective" and make a bid? What is the per head 
cost (average - since some may want to pay a bit more)? = 17/4 lakhs per head. 
A bit more than 4 lakhs per head. That is not an astronomical sum even in these 
recessionary / down-turnish times.
Think of the possibility. A company of the employee, by the employees, for the 
employees. If democracy has any advantage over monarchy, then such a takeover 
makes sense.
Would Satyam become something like a Firefox or Apache foundation then? The per 
employee share in the profits would increase (no I am not an economist - please 
provide technical inputs)
But again it would also be plagued by similar problems as any democracy; or 
would it be. This solution would require proper architecting. Could an 
open-source "business" model be hybrid with such a possibility? Why not? Then 
In moving from a monarchy to a democracy, if you only "declare" a democracy, 
but let the ex-Monarch retain all the "veto" powers - he can make any law he 
wants, he may execute any state decision as he want - then would that be a 
transition to a democracy? Certainly not... all that one would have achieved is 
the people's right to demand for one - they would get an answer that "hey you 
already have democracy". 
What I mean is do not think of this solution in the light of the existing norms 
and policies / processes of a software services company? Even the policies / 
processes would need to change. What all will need to change and why?
All that I am talking about is a possibility? And somehow this possibility 
looks like greater "freedom" to me... freedom as in free "software"?
I wish I really had the "freedom of speech" to write freestyle :)

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