Hi All

We are running  NFS clients on Redhat and SUSE linux distros with the
following options.

NFSSERVER:/home/idpssupp/REPORTS    /mnt/amosoutput nfs nfsvers=3,bg,intr 0

for some time quite happily, recently we have encountered the messages on
NFS clients

Apr  7 07:11:51 NFSCLIENT kernel: nfs: server NFSSERVER OK
Apr  7 07:11:51 NFSCLIENT kernel: nfs_statfs: statfs error = 116
Apr  7 07:21:06 NFSCLIENT kernel: nfs_statfs: statfs error = 116

I have tried using...
NFSSERVER:/home/idpssupp/REPORTS    /mnt/amosoutput nfs
nfsvers=3,hard,intr,noac 0 0

and ran

mount -o remount /mnt/amosoutput

but still we get the following...

NFSCLIENT:~ # ls -l /mnt/amosoutput
/bin/ls: /mnt/amosoutput: Stale NFS file handle

The above problem appears intermittently and would disappear if i just
umount and mount the file systems manually.

A call is already raised with Redhat but still no response.

We have mix of NFS clients on RHEL ES 4, SLES 9 and NFS server is AIX 5.2
ML10. Any help is much appreciated.

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