On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Sudev Barar <sba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >>
> >> We are running  NFS clients on Redhat and SUSE linux distros with the
> >> following options.
> >>
> >> NFSSERVER:/home/idpssupp/REPORTS    /mnt/amosoutput nfs
> nfsvers=3,bg,intr
> >> 0
> >> 0
> >>
> >> for some time quite happily, recently we have encountered the messages
> on
> >> NFS clients
> >>
> >> Apr  7 07:11:51 NFSCLIENT kernel: nfs: server NFSSERVER OK
> >> Apr  7 07:11:51 NFSCLIENT kernel: nfs_statfs: statfs error = 116
> >> Apr  7 07:21:06 NFSCLIENT kernel: nfs_statfs: statfs error = 116
> >>
> 2009/4/8 Justin Moore <jmo...@sagisys.com>:
> > You are losing connection to the NFS server. Is the connection stable?
> Have
> > you tried mounting hard,nointr? To clear the stale file handle warnings
> you
> > can remove the nfs filesystem from the /etc/mtab and remount.
> >
> You need to recheck all hardware cables and switches.If it was working
> okay then you should not loose it. Also check disk transfer rates with
> hdparm. Check if memory is being reported correctly with free

Both (NFS server, NFS client) servers are 1000mbps duplex full.

hdparm on NFS client you mean? NFSclient server is 15k RPM disks (2 T)
storage, RAID 1 & RAID5 with two raid array controllers.

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