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On Saturday 18 Apr 2009, Harish Pillay wrote:
> > Even simpler solution for the G**gle-challenged: if it's from
> > A****le, don't buy it because they go out of their way to prevent
> > FOSS from interoperating with their products.
> Curious: how do they do that?

Some examples:

Circa 2004: A****le threatens sarovar.org (the Indian sourceforge.net 
equivalent) with legal action if they do not remove playfair, an open 
source iT*nes recording program from their web site.  Sarovar 
capitulated and playfair was removed, despite public opinion that they 
should not bow to arm-twisting tactics over laws that have little or no 
provenance in India.  A****le had earlier forced Sourceforge to remove 

Circa 2007: A****le modifies the new iP*d to prevent FOSS programs from 
synching the playlist.  Even though the encryption/hash used was 
reverse engineered pretty quick by the community, it was still a 
deliberate move by A****le to prevent any software except iT*nes and 
any OS except Cr*pOS and Winduhs from accessing the device.  To quote: 
``The new hardware limits the number of potential customers for 
A****le's products, adding engineering cost to a device in order to 
reduce its functionality. It's hard to understand why A****le would do 

Circa 2008, continuing: The iPh*ne will not permit any III-party FOSS 
applications to be installed without voiding the warranty.  
Specifically, you cannot compile your own version of an existing FOSS 
application that runs on the iPh*ne (do any?) and install it on your 
phone without voiding the warranty.

In general I find A****le's mania for controlling their users unsettling 
at best, and menacing at worst.  This is probably far at variance with 
current thinking, which seems to advocate the best product for a 
problem regardless of the provenance of that product.  Yes, A****le 
make great computers; similarly, everyone in the erstwhile Soviet Union 
had a home to live in too.  However if the choice is between having a 
home with Big Brother watching my every move, deciding where I live and 
limiting what I can do on the one hand, and being homeless and free to 
do what I want and stay wherever I desire on the other... well, just be 
sure to drop a one-rupee coin in the bowl when you see me at the Nehru 
Place crossing :)


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                r...@kandalaya.org      http://kandalaya.org/
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