On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 21:21:32 +0530
Hakuna Matata <narender.ho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. My users are in LDAP not in /etc/password.
> 2.  FreeNX is recognizing only localusers not the LDAP users for
> authentication.

Probably because it is not set up to do so.

> 3. I have 6 users with home directory on a single
> server and i want all users to login to this server from there
> respective machine and use the GUI.  (they have to have use gui
> for programming interface, else ssh was really good and there was
> no pain. This is some sort of windows terminal server setup with
> multiple profile and you can access them with RDP.

I do not follow. What is some sort of "windows terminal server",
and where does is fit into the picture. In any case, someone
else will have to fill in here.

> 4.Now FreeNX is not able to figure out how to login into the
> Server with a specified user Name in LDAP. i have got someting
> http://www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~mueller/docs/suse10.1/suselinux-manual_en/manual/sec.freenx.advanced.html
> please see 15.2.2..
> FreeNX may not be able to auth directly against your LDAP server,
> but it can authenticate against pam, and pam can in turn be
> configured to authenticate against your LDAP server.
> e.g freeNX-->PAM-->LDAP
> PS:--- i might be conceptually wrong in this.

The above link seems specific to SuSE 10.1, and I am not sure
if it will work elsewhere, but you seem to have the right idea.
Have FreeNX authenticate to PAM, which will work with LDAP.

Don't know any more about FreeNX in order to help you, but
searching Google for "freenx ldap pam" seems to turn up many
likely looking links.


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