I have one big fat file(8GB) which is in the format

"<DOC> <DOCNO> 93489fjdf -adsf0a-t9-4q </DOCNO> 
,43-0=-toqtgegedag=d0fga </DOC> <DOC> <DOCNO> 9348943jikfsdf0adfa-4q </DOCNO>

note that the file looks like an xml at first glance but it isnt.
This file has a new line character anywhere and everywhere. hence usage of .* 
becomes difficult.

now the problem is i need to extract data between </DOCNO> till </DOC> and 
store it in a file by the name mentioned between <DOCNO> and </DOCNO>.

at first glance it looked like a problem of awk but after some unsuccessful 
attempts, i tried sed but couldnt quite get the regex pattern.

Can anyone help out with the regex pattern/sed/awk?

pracheer gupta

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