On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Dhiraj Gaur <dhiraj.g...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A United States judge on Tuesday ordered Microsoft
> <http://search.rediff.com/imgsrch/default.php?MT=microsoft> Corporation to
> stop selling Microsoft Word in its current form in the US as it infringes
> upon a patent owned by a Canadian company, i4i.
> Judge Leonard Davis of the US District Court for the Eastern District of
> Texas passed an injunction to this effect and has given Microsoft 2 months
> within which the software giant must comply with the order.
> A patent infringement lawsuit was filed by i4i in 2007 against Micrsoft.
> The
> judge on Tuesday forbade Microsoft from selling Word products which let
> people create custom XML documents. Microsoft has now been banned from
> selling or importing into the US any Word products which can open .XML,
> .DOCX, or DOCM files containing custom XML.
> Microsoft Word allows users to create custom XML documents. i4i, based in
> Toronto, Canada <http://search.rediff.com/imgsrch/default.php?MT=canada>,
> owns US Patent No 5,787,449, which the court said Microsoft had infringed
> upon.
> The Texas judge also ordered Microsoft to pay the Toronto-based software
> developer $200 million in damages as reasonable royalty. Apart from that,
> Microsoft was also told to pay an additional $40 million for willful patent
> infringement and another $37 million-plus in interest, taking the total
> damages to over $287 million.
> However, reports say that with Microsoft Corporation planning to appeal
> against the order, its sales of Word are not likely to be affected. Experts
> hint that even if the injunction stands, the software giant could find a
> remove the XML functionality from Word or find some other way to bypass the
> infringement.
> *The court order:*
> 'Microsoft Corporation is hereby permanently enjoined from performing the
> following actions with Microsoft Word 2003, Microsoft Word 2007, and
> Microsoft Word products not more than colorably different from Microsoft
> Word 2003 or Microsoft Word 2007 (collectively "Infringing and Future Word
> Products") during the term of U.S. Patent No. 5,787,449:
> 1. selling, offering to sell, and/or importing in or into the United States
> any Infringing and Future Word Products that have the capability of opening
> a .XML, .DOCX, or .DOCM file ("an XML file") containing custom XML;
> 2. using any Infringing and Future Word Products to open an XML file
> containing custom XML;
> 3. instructing or encouraging anyone to use any Infringing and Future Word
> Products to open an XML file containing custom XML;
> 4. providing support or assistance to anyone that describes how to use any
> infringing and Future Word Products to open an XML file containing custom
> XML; and
> 5. testing, demonstrating, or marketing the ability of the Infringing and
> Future Word Products to open an XML file containing custom XML.'
> What the hell is this !! This is just another height of absurdness !! This
is the best example why patent suck and a lesson for Microsoft too.
Whole world is using xml format in various products !! Its a open standard ,
how can one person have rights to do so !! Cannot we just remove the
software patent system itself !!!
I cannot live in the digital world with so much restrictions and monology !!

│    Narendra Sisodiya ( नरेन्द्र सिसोदिया )
│    R&D Engineer
│    Web : http://narendra.techfandu.org
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